

Written by Andrew Peterson

Andrew Peterson is a Web Designer, Creator, Marketing Agency Leader, SEO expert & public speaker. He founded Wicked Modern Websites in 2007 and has been helping businesses grow ever since!
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Are you looking to create viral youtube shorts, TikTok or Instagram Reel? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will share 10 tips that will help you create content that is sure to be shared by your friends and followers. So without further ado, let’s get started!

The Creator Economy

For better or worse we are living in the “Creator Economy”. There are now 2 types of people: creators & everyone else.

Creating content that connects with an audience brings marketing value greater than many thousands of dollars of Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Print Marketing, and the like.

That means that creators can influence the market to buy a product and there’s even more good news! If you’re reading this you have the ability to become a vital cog in this new economy by becoming a creator yourself.

Search Engine Decay is Real!

Have you noticed Google isn’t as good?

It’s starting to seem like search engine results are less useful than they are structured to get traffic. Especially the top-ranking stuff.


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More & More People Search on Social

And all of social, everything that goes viral particularly, is VIDEO CONTENT. TikToks, Instagram Reels & YouTube shorts.

The Most Important Search Engine Isn’t Google… it’s YOUTUBE!

When you need to learn how to do something that is simple or complex, do you want to read about it or do you want to watch a video and have someone explain it to you with visual aids and examples of the job being done?

YouTube is Google, so Google Favors Shorts!

Thus Only YouTube Shorts Appear On Google Search. Not TikToks, Not InstagramReels!

Video Marketing Is Everything | The Short Form Video War

Video Marketing is everything. It’s not a stretch to make a joke that the average American is probably on their phone, on social media, looking at videos at this very second. So it makes sense that right now there is a war going on between 3 major players. This is good for you because they can’t squeeze down the organic traffic that creators like you can get for FREE!

  1. TikTok – The Ubiquitous Brand Name that was first to market and has a strong lead
  2. Instagram Reels – (by Facebook) Reels are super powerful and catch on virally on Instagram & Facebook.
  3. Youtube Shorts – This platform is the only one that gets indexed by Google. Thus it’s the only one with REAL SEO VALUE!

Future Outlook & Expectations for Youtube Shorts, Instagram Reels & TikTok 

Since Google is under such a clear and present threat from TikTok and Facebook for the soul of the video content-consuming public we can reasonably predict they will continue to expand the organic reach of YouTube shorts not only in YouTube searches but also in wider search results (SEO)!



 Market Research: The First Step To Solving EVERY problem. Research the Competition.

Search Youtube 2-3 times to see content that ranks highly for your topic and figure out what it’s like and what makes it good. Note: This is a necessary step on all social media platforms and for ranking your website in Google Search Listings (SEO)

How To Research

Try to make content that is similar to the most popular content on that platform but is better in one specific way. Funnier, Shorter, More Useful, More Adorable, more clearly explained. If you can do this you have a chance of ranking along side the big boys of that search term!

Youtube Shorts

Youtube Shorts Tip #1

Have a Catchy Intro, or you’re already cooked! 

It’s essential. Get to the point right away. They won’t stick around long if you bore them. 

Short attention spans are the norm these days, so it’s important to make sure your YouTube Short catches your viewer’s attention right away. The best way to do this is to have a catchy intro that gets to the point quickly. You don’t want to bore your viewers with a long, drawn-out introduction – they’ll likely just move on to the next video if you do. So make sure you grab their attention from the start, and you’ll have a better chance of keeping them around for the whole video.

Youtube Shorts

 Youtube Shorts Tip #2

Use Different Camera Angles

It Creates motion & Excitement. Action is key, it can save a boring Product! 

Camera angles are important! They can make or break a scene. It’s all about creating excitement and motion. You want your viewers to be engaged, so action is key. By using different camera angles, you can add interest and energy to your videos. So don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different things and see what works best for you. Who knows, you might just find your next big hit!

 Youtube Shorts Tip #2

Use Different Camera Angles

It Creates motion & Excitement. Action is key, it can save a boring Product! 

Camera angles are important! They can make or break a scene. It’s all about creating excitement and motion. You want your viewers to be engaged, so action is key. By using different camera angles, you can add interest and energy to your videos. So don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different things and see what works best for you. Who knows, you might just find your next big hit!

Youtube Shorts
Youtube Shorts
 Youtube Shorts Tip #3

Keep the Clips Short!

1 second is plenty for people to understand! Don’t go longer unless you’re great on camera.

Attention span is everything when it comes to YouTube Shorts. You want to make sure that your viewers are able to understand the content of your video in a short amount of time. This is why it is important to keep your clips short! 1 second is plenty for people to understand what is happening in the clip. If you are not great on camera, then it is best to keep your clips shorter so that people are not left confused about what is happening in the video. Action is also key in keeping people engaged with your content. By including action-packed clips, you will be sure to keep people hooked on your YouTube Shorts videos!


Youtube Shorts
 Youtube Shorts tip #4

Listen To The Sound!

Choose music that’s trending (!) & turn the volume down a little. Sound effects connect big time too!

Ears are important! You need to listen to the sound. What kind of sounds? Well, mostly music. But not just any music – trending music. And not too loud, though. You want people to be able to hear the sound effects too. They connect us emotionally to the video in a big way. So choose your music carefully and don’t forget the sound effects!

 Youtube Shorts tip #4

Listen To The Sound!

Choose music that’s trending (!) & turn the volume down a little. Sound effects connect big time too!

Ears are important! You need to listen to the sound. What kind of sounds? Well, mostly music. But not just any music – trending music. And not too loud, though. You want people to be able to hear the sound effects too. They connect us emotionally to the video in a big way. So choose your music carefully and don’t forget the sound effects!

Youtube Shorts
Youtube Shorts
 Youtube Shorts Tip #5

Use Your Smartphone!

Ditch the DSLR. Do everything in one place! One device for shooting & Editing everything means less time sending big video files around!

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your production time and increase your efficiency, then using your smartphone to shoot and edit your videos is a great option. Smartphones are incredibly easy to use, and they allow you to do everything in one place. This means you don’t have to worry about sending big video files around, and you can focus on getting your videos edited and uploaded as quickly as possible. Plus, using your smartphone gives you the freedom to shoot your videos anywhere, anytime. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to produce high-quality videos, then using your smartphone is the way to go.


Youtube Shorts
Youtube Shorts Tip #6

Get a Stand (With a Light)

Ease of shooting & essential lighting for short money! Stability, ease of use, and lighting = success.

Stand up for your shots! A stand will make shooting so much easier, and a ring light will provide essential lighting for short money. Stability, ease of use, and lighting are key to success when shooting YouTube Shorts videos. So get a stand and a ring light, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a YouTube Shorts video superstar!

Youtube Shorts

 Youtube Shorts Tip #7

Use A Dedicated Video App.

Don’t post tiktok’s on Youtube or Youtube videos on Instagram Reels. These platforms don’t like that and you WON’T get boosted if you do it.  

If you’re serious about making great YouTube Shorts videos, then you need to be using a dedicated video app. We recommend: Splice (iPhone) & Canva (desktop). They are both great options that will help you produce videos more efficiently. By using a dedicated video app, you can avoid the hassle of having to post TikTok’s on YouTube or YouTube videos on Instagram. Plus, you’ll be able to take advantage of features like video templates and editing tools that will make your life easier. So if you’re looking to up your YouTube Shorts game, be sure to use a dedicated video app.

Youtube Shorts

Youtube Shorts tip #8

Use The App Fonts Specific to Each Social Media Platform

Text & captions make a huge difference. They make it easy for the viewer to understand your message. Use popular fonts for each platform. The text conveys vital info even if the volume isn’t up!

Platform specific fonts are important to use in your YouTube Shorts videos. The text conveys vital info even if the volume isn’t up! This is why using popular fonts for each platform is key. By using the right font, you can make it easy for the viewer to understand your message. Platform specific fonts also help to make your video look more professional. Consequently, using the right font can help you convey your message more effectively and make your YouTube Shorts videos look more professional.

Youtube Shorts
 Youtube Shorts Tip #9

Repurpose Your Content!!!

What doesn’t catch fire on Youtube shorts might go totally viral on TikTok or Instagram Reels. Don’t miss huge opportunities for your video content!

This is a great tip for content creators! When you create a piece of content, don’t just think about where it might do well. Think about all the different platforms it could be repurposed for. That way, you get the most bang for your buck!

For example, let’s say you create a piece of content that doesn’t perform as well as you hoped on YouTube Shorts. But then you post it on TikTok and it goes viral. Suddenly, all that work has paid off and you’ve reached a whole new audience.

So next time you’re planning your content strategy, remember to think about how you can repurpose your content to get the most value out of it. Create once, post everywhere!

Youtube Shorts
Youtube Shorts Tip #10

Keep Learning & Support Other Creators

Learn from other creators. Grow your audience by commenting, liking, and subscribing.

One thing that all great creators have in common is that they never stop learning. If you want to grow your audience, it’s important to do your research and see what other creators are doing. Find out what’s working for them and see if you can apply those same principles to your own work. Additionally, subscribing to and commenting on other channels is a great way to get exposure for your own channel. By taking the time to engage with other creators, you’ll not only learn more about the process of creating videos, but you’ll also build up a network of fellow YouTubers who can help promote your work. So whatever you do, don’t forget to keep learning. It’s the key to success on YouTube.

Youtube Shorts Tip #10

Keep Learning & Support Other Creators

Learn from other creators. Grow your audience by commenting, liking, and subscribing.

One thing that all great creators have in common is that they never stop learning. If you want to grow your audience, it’s important to do your research and see what other creators are doing. Find out what’s working for them and see if you can apply those same principles to your own work. Additionally, subscribing to and commenting on other channels is a great way to get exposure for your own channel. By taking the time to engage with other creators, you’ll not only learn more about the process of creating videos, but you’ll also build up a network of fellow YouTubers who can help promote your work. So whatever you do, don’t forget to keep learning. It’s the key to success on YouTube.

Youtube Shorts

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