
Recommended Website Hosting

Recommended Website Hosting

Why we choose SiteGround as our recommended website hosting

The fastest website hosting &  best customer service starting at $3.95 / month

Full disclosure: the links on this page are affiliate links & earn us a commission. It costs you nothing extra & allows us to set up your website on a more secure server at a lower cost to you! 

Siteground is the most a highly trusted name in website hosting services and we know that as well as anyone because we have been building websites exclusively on their servers for 5 years. 

We have previously used GoDaddy & Bluehost but once we switched to Siteground we never looked back.


Please choose the “Grow Big” hosting plan

Our initial reason for switching to SIteground was because of the money it saved us as opposed to previous website hosting we have used. The reason we stayed is because of the customer service & the speed!

Siteground customer service is absolutely exceptional and allows us to focus our efforts on making your website the most profitable for you instead of spending billable hours dealing with website hosting technical issues.

By having you set up your own hosting it allows us to pass the savings onto you! We used to host all of our client sites on a shared server which was more expensive.

Often we would charge $29.99 per month to be on our shared server. By having you set up your own account at Siteground you can get website hosting for under $10 per month and your site will be more secure.


What package do we recommend?

We recommend theGrow Big website hosting package for our clients for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:

  1. Includes daily backups on the server.
  2. Faster than the lower-end hosting.
  3. Includes a staging site. That means we can build your site in one place, test it effectively and make sure it’s perfect before we move it to the “live” internet. This helps reduce mistakes.
  4. This package includes features to make it easier to collaborate with your website designer.

Website Hosting


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