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Website Features

Websites from Wicked Modern Websites are built on wordpress the worlds leading content management system technology.

Responsive Design

Our websites always looks good regardless of the screen it is being viewed on or size of the browser. Grab the corner of this browser window and see how the site changes when you make it smaller. Does your current website do this ? If not you can’t be sure how your site looks on different peoples machines.

Designed for your customers smartphone 

Your customers check their e-mails, websites and social media on their phones. Does your website make it easy for them to read? Ignoring your mobile website is like turning away a large percentage of business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Package

Wicked Modern Websites come loaded to help you get to the top of the search engine rankings for your keyword search.

Client back end or fully managed support

Want your staff to be able to make changes to your site, a full featured back end is standard on our websites. Don’t want the hassle of making updates? Fully managed service is available as well.

Social Media Connected

Our websites connect to your social media outlets to make sure your message is getting to customers them where they live.



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