How To Easily Find Your Google My Business Listing Insights / Analytics

Written by Andrew Peterson

Andrew Peterson is a Web Designer, Creator, Marketing Agency Leader, SEO expert & public speaker. He founded Wicked Modern Websites in 2007 and has been helping businesses grow ever since!
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It’s important to know how many people are seeing your Google My Business listing and interacting with it. There are two different ways that you can check this information.

Use the Google Maps App on your iPhone or Android OR Log into and click on insights.

Method 1: How to Check GMB Insights using the Google Maps App on iPhone


  1. Open the Google Maps App on your Phone.
  2. Click on your picture on the right hand of the search bar & then click on “Your Business Profiles” and select the business you want to manage.
  3. Alternatively, In the search bar, type in your business name and press it once it auto-populates.
  4.  Now you are on your business listing, scroll down, and just below the word “Overview”, you’ll see “Your Business on Google – ### Views this month” Press on that.
  5. Here you will be able to see how many people have viewed and interacted with your Google business listing.
  6. You can also see how people found you (ex. Via search, directions, website, etc.) as well as what actions they took once they found you (ex. Called, visited the website, etc.)

This information is valuable because it helps you understand how effective your GMB listing is in reaching new potential customers.
It also helps you understand which marketing efforts are resulting in customers finding your GMB listing.


Method 2: How to Check GMB Insights by logging into


  1. Go to and log into the account that you use to manage your GMB listing
  2. IF you manage multiple listings click on “Business Profile Manager” in the top left and choose your business, if you only have one listing you should be able to skip this step.
  3. Click on “Insights” in the menu on the left side of the screen
  4. Here you will be able to see how many people have viewed and interacted with your listing
  5. You can also see how people found you (ex. Via search, directions, website, etc.) as well as what actions they took once they found you (ex.. Called, visited the website, etc.)

Checking your GMB insights regularly helps you understand how effective your GMB listing is in reaching new potential customers 6 It also helps you understand which marketing efforts are resulting in customers finding and interacting with your GMB listing.


Looking at your Google My Business insights/analytics is a quick and easy way to track how many people searching for your services and products are seeing and interacting with your listing. This information is wildly valuable because it helps you understand which marketing efforts are resulting in customers finding your business listing so that you can adjust your marketing strategy accordingly!

The number & quality of your Google Reviews makes a major difference in how much NEW BUSINESS you will receive from people who find you online and call your establishment to hire you.

When you know how to ask for a 5 Star Google Review, you’ve got a majorly important skill you need to grow your business.

How to ask for a 5 star google review


6 Steps to Structure your ask for a 5-star Google review aka my “secret script.”

Studies show that people are dramatically more likely to complete your request if you do these things.


  1. Use their name – Start with “Hello James” or “Good afternoon Jane”. Leading off with someone’s name reminds them of how familiar and close you are.
  2. Make the ask – “Would you please give me a 5-star Google review?”
  3. Give them a reason“Because I’m trying to get ahead of my local competition” It doesn’t have to be crazy, studies show that even if the reason doesn’t seem that important the person will be much more likely to make give you the review if you give them a reason.
  4. Include a number if you can “I’m trying to get to 10 (or 25) five-star google reviews to get ahead of my local competition” is even better.
  5. Tell them it won’t take much time so they do it right away. “it will only take 2-3 minutes of your time and it will help me a LOT!”
  6. Provide them with the link – Hit them with the link right away! You’ve set them up and they’re ready to give you a five-star Google Review, make sure you make it easy for them and hit them with the review link right now!

Example Script You can Copy, Adjust & Use to get 5 Star Google Reviews

 “Hello *Their Name*, would you be willing to give me a quick 5 star Google review? I’m trying to get to 25 five-star reviews today, so I can get ahead of my local competition. It will only take 2-3 minutes of your time. Here’s the link. “

We have found this is extremely effective, ask in person first (if possible) send a message via text or email, include their name, give them a reason you are asking (use my reason or create your own,) include a number & tell them it won’t take up much of their time and give them the link so they can actually do it.

If you follow this technique on How to ask for a 5 Star Google Review, I guarantee you will have a greater than 90% success rate when you ask your clients & friends for a five star google review.

Do you need help getting listed on Google? If you don’t have your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) set up & optimized it’s like you’re not even listed on the phone book.

Contact us right away and start getting the new business you deserve.

Need Help Getting Your Google Business Listing Found By Customers?

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